Unit Code P-X

T7235 Spirit and Church

This unit seeks to explore the classical understanding of the Person and Work of the Spirit, the doctrine of the Church, the Means of Grace and our Christian Hope. It prepares for specialised study in these areas. It investigates the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit, the nature of the Church, the nature and forms of ministry, the Means of Grace and he Christian Hope.

Study Level Undergraduate
Discipline Theology
Credit Points 9
Prerequisites T7105 Introduction to Christian Doctrines

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate a familiarity with the major historical and contemporary developments in pneumatology, ecclesiology and eschatology
  2. Discuss how these theological doctrines are integrated into the life of the church
  3. Critically analyse the theological literature relevant to this unit
  4. Investigate the influences currently shaping the church’s understanding of these doctrines
  5. Critically apply the results of their study of these doctrines to contemporary pastoral situations
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