Unit Code A-B

B7231 Prophetic Literature

This unit builds on the knowledge and skills developed in the prerequisite Biblical Studies units. It examines the literary forms and theological content of Israel’s prophetic books, with due consideration of their historical, cultural and religious settings/contexts. It develops an appropriate context for the study of prophetic literature, studies prophetic literary forms and their content/ themes. It examines aspects of the theology of prophetic books and undertakes exegesis of selected texts.

Study Level Undergraduate
Discipline Biblical Studies
Credit Points 9
Prerequisites 9 credit points in Biblical Studies.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit students will be able to:

  1. demonstrate knowledge of the critical issues associated with the study of prophetic literature
  2. show how various prophetic literary forms communicate their theological content
  3. exegete selected passages from prophetic books
  4. utilise the relevant secondary literature in a critical manner
  5. apply insights of prophetic literature to various aspects of teaching, ministry, and spirituality
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