B7214 Pentateuch

This unit builds on the foundation unit(s) by examining the forms and content of the Pentateuch. It does so in light of its historical, cultural and religious settings and explores the role of the Pentateuch within the canon and the life of Israel. It considers the formation and composition of the Pentateuch, its historical, cultural, religious and political context and the literary forms within the Pentateuch and their influence on interpretation. Theological themes found within the Pentateuch are highlighted and there is exegesis of selected passages.

Study Level Undergraduate
Discipline Biblical Studies
Credit Points 9
Prerequisites 9 credit points in Biblical Studies

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit students will be able to:

  1. summarize the significant critical issues associated with the study of the Pentateuch including its formation, unity and history
  2. identify the themes found within the Pentateuch and their relationships to the development of Israel’s faith
  3. exegete selected passages from the Pentateuch
  4. analyse literary forms and the contribution these forms make to understanding the text
  5. demonstrate the application of a theme or text to a contemporary audience or community



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