Unit Code A-B

A7120/A8520 Introduction to New Testament Greek

This unit introduces the elements of New Testament Greek. It develops basic professional skills in New Testament exegesis and translation. The focus is on the Greek alphabet, the basics of Greek grammar and syntax, textual, lexical and grammatical study of selected New Testament texts. There is translation of selected New Testament texts, and working with Greek/English dictionaries, and concordances.

All A units are not included in the structure of Majors or Sub-majors.

Study Level Undergraduate
Discipline Humanities in the Christian Tradition
Sub Discipline Humanities
Credit Points 9
Prerequisites Nil

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit students will be able to:

  1. demonstrate familiarity with basic Grammar and Syntax of New Testament Greek
  2. memorize basic Greek vocabulary
  3. translate selected texts into English
  4. use dictionaries and concordances
  5. apply the knowledge of New Testament Greek to translating the New Testament
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